Early Childhood Coaching and Consultation Program

Early Childhood Coaching and Consultation Program

The Early Childhood Coaching and Consultation program supports and enhances the work of childcare staff and other early childhood professionals. For over 30 years, our team has responded to community needs and grown in scope and reach to provide three services.

Early Childhood Consultation Services

Our Early Childhood Consultants work with early childhood care and education programs throughout Utah to build early childhood educators’ capacity and skills needed to facilitate the healthy social and emotional development of children in their care.

  • Consultants provide onsite child and program-focused observations, feedback, and reflection. They connect educators and families to community resources and referrals on an individual basis.
  • Child-centered consultation: Focuses on strengthening the child relationship through responsive and attuned practices, creating positive learning environments, promoting targeted social and emotional skills, and identifying nurturing ways educators can respond to behavior they find challenging.
  • Program-centered consultation: Concentrates on improving the universal quality of an early childhood program to better support the social and emotional well-being of all children.

For more information on consultation services, contact Keri Jones at kjones@tccutah.org.

Child Care Quality System (CCQS) Specialist Services

Our CCQS Specialists play an important role in implementing and maintaining critical pieces of Utah’s system for improving the quality of licensed childcare programs. They provide:

  • Environmental observations to provide baseline and progress data for childcare programs participating in the CCQS.
  • Written reports and verbal feedback to program administrators highlighting strengths and opportunities for growth.
  • Professional development courses to help childcare professionals understand and implement specific pieces of the quality system.
  • Technical assistance in choosing program-wide and age-group-specific goals to improve the quality of environments and services to children and families.
  • Classroom visits to motivate and support teachers in implementing their goals.

School Readiness Mentor Coach Services

Our School Readiness Mentor Coaches provide individual coaching and support to coaches in Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and private childcare centers who are on the School Readiness Grants. They offer coaching, as well as professional development opportunities through regular Peer Learning Communities (PLCs) and ERS courses, and reliable ERS observations.


The Early Childhood Coaching and Consultation program is funded by the Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care through the Child Care and Development Block Grant. 

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